2025.02 Welcome Jenlu to the group!

2025.02 Congratulations Yoon Ho for becoming a professor at Incheon University!!

2025.01 We thank the Center for Innovation & Precision Dentistry (CiPD) for the RESTORE Prize!

2025.01 We thank the NSF for the CAREER Award!


2024.10 We thank BMES for the KBMES Young Investigator Award!

2024.08 Welcome Hansol and Hunter to the group!

2024.06 Jina co-founded Aperture Bio with Laura Kelley and Hannah Peterson.

2024.05 Congratulations Renee and Emily for passing the quals!

2024.03 Welcome Renis to the group!

2024.01 Our 1st Lab Retreat to the Poconos for skiing & snowboarding!


2023.10 David’s ‘Double Digital’ paper is published in Advanced Science.

2023.10 We are very grateful to the NIH NIGMS for the Director’s New Innovator (DP2) award! (Penn Today)

2023.08 Renee is selected as the Fontaine Fellow! Congratulations Renee!

2023.07 Menghan will be joining the Walt lab in Boston! Congratulations Menghan and we will miss you! (photo)

2023.07 Congratulations Danny for passing his qual!

2023.06 Congratulations Hua for passing his qual!

2023.05 Congratulations Renee and Menghan for getting Master’s in Bioengineering!

2023.05 Menghan won the Outstanding Research Award at Penn Bioengineering. Congratulations Menghan!

2023.03 David won the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Congratulations David!

2023.01 Welcome Hua and Danny to the group!


2022.12 Phoebe has received the Vagelos Undergraduate Research Grant!

2022.12 David, Olivia, and George’s UV system paper is published in Micromachines.

2022.11 Lab joint pingpong match with the Tertuliano lab.

2022.10 Our Fall lab gathering with friends and families! Hope to invite our furry friends next time.

2022.08 Welcome Yoonho to the group!

2022.08 Welcome Menghan to the group!

2022.07 Welcome Uday to the group!

2022.07 Renee’s single EV digital assay review paper is published in ACS Nano.

2022.07 We thank CYTO 2022 for the Presidents Award for Excellence!

2022.06 We are very grateful to the Center for Molecular Studies in Digestive and Liver Diseases for funding our pancreatic cancer research!

2022.06 The Spatiotemporal Multiplexed Immunofluorescence Imaging paper is published in Nature Biotechnology.

2022.05 Congratulations George for getting his Master’s in Biotechnology!

2022.04 We are very grateful to Penn Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) for funding our research on EV-based AD diagnostics!

2022.03    Our very first PhD student joined the lab! Welcome David to the group!

2022.02    Jina officially started her faculty position at UPenn. Welcome George and Renee to the group!


2021.11    Jina served as an alumni panelist at the Rising Stars in Engineering in Health at Columbia University.

2021.11    Jina attended AlChE Annual Meeting to present her work on multiplexed live cell imaging with bioorthogonal cycling.

2021.10    Jina attended BMES & MicroTAS to present her work on multiplexed live cell imaging with bioorthogonal cycling.

2021.07    The MGB Center for COVID Innovation team published a paper on COVID LFA evaluation in BMC Infectious Diseases.

2021.06    Jina accepted an offer to join UPenn as an assistant professor in Feb, 2022!

2021.05    Jina became an instructor in Radiology at MGH.

2021.03    Our single EV immuno-sequencing paper is published in ACS Nano.

2021.02    Jina received the K99/R00 Independence Award from NCI.